On Friday 12 of June 2009, Master David Brown [VII], Ms. Liz McKenna [V], Mr. Nik Purves [IV], Mr. Darren Scott [IV] and Ms. Julie Scott [IV] travelled to the International Instructor Course held at the Heathrow Novotel, London. The course was conducted by Grand Master Choi Jung Hwa [IX]. The event was organised by Master Trevor Nicholls [VIII], secretary general of the ITF. It was without doubt one of the most important courses in the ITF’s history – the first time a senior grade course has taken place; and it reunited 84 instructors (14 Masters and the rest over IV Dan) from 16 countries:
– Canada, USA, Argentina, Australia, Malaysia, England, Ireland, Scotland, Norway, Wales, Spain
– Holland, Belgium, Czech Republic, Italy, Germany
On Friday 12th at 7pm, seminar began. Grand Master Choi gave a short introduction and then Master Galarraga (Argentina), ITF Tournament Committee Chairman, identified new changes that were set for the forthcoming World championships. After introductions and discussions we started training with Kwang Gae Tul.
On Saturday 13th, the seminar began at 9am with 1st Degree Patterns. After a short break at 3pm, we continued the patterns up to Yoo Sin Tul. (3rd Degree). The course provided in-depth analysis of each pattern, followed by in-depth Q&A to clarify all technical aspects of each. At 9pm, the banquet was attended by all instructors. Master Michael Muleta (Australia), delivered a speech to thank the Master Choi, followed by a speech by Master Robert Wheatley (USA); who announced the new promotion of Master Issac Harry (England) to VIII Dan. Master Galarraga said the most important events of the ITF are going to occur in the forthcoming years.
G.M. Choi gave a speech to thank all the instructors for their presence. He commented on the good relations that exist in Korea, and details his vision, hopes and aspirations for ITF Taekwondo in the coming years.
On Sunday 14th, training recommenced at 9am, and began with a brief photo shoot of Instructors, followed by the concluding part of the seminar. The session lasted about 3 hours, and finished with a full analysis of the remaining patterns through to Tong- II Tul.
G.M. Choi was always very open to the demands of all the instructors – he provided clear instruction on the technical aspects of all the patterns, and created a professional, relaxed and positive learning environment.
We want to thank and congratulate Master Trevor Nicholls and Mr. Marc Skyrme for their hospitality and excellent organisational work.
The over-riding emphasis that we can take away from this event is the importance of ensuring adequate power to all moves of a pattern. G.M. Choi feels this is so important that amendments will be made to competition rules such that more points will be awarded for power.
This is something that we now need to analyze within our patterns practice, and improve.
We all had a great time, and look forward to the next opportunity to train together.
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