Congratulations to Lewis Little, Jo McGuire and Aiden Way for winning Bronze overall Interclub trophies for their Interclub performance over...
Rainbow, Junior and Adult students from the Intrepid Inverkeithing & East Calder clubs recently took part at the 3rd Interclub competition of 2014. They were competing...
Rainbow and Junior students from the Intrepid Inverkeithing & East Calder clubs recently took part at the 2nd Interclub competition of 2014....
Rainbow and Junior students from the Intrepid Inverkeithing & East Calder clubs recently took part at the 1st Interclub competition of 2014....
Rainbow, Junior and Adult students from the Intrepid Inverkeithing & East Calder clubs attended the 2014 UTFS Scottish Championships at Grangemouth Sports Complex on...
2013 Interclub Champions from Inverkeithing and East Calder are: - SILVER Award for Kieran Walker. - SILVER Award for Kayleigh...
Happy New Year everyone! Please see below for details of club restart times. January and February are starting with a...
Date Sunday 2nd February 2014 Venue Grangemouth Sports Complex Map Registration Form In ADVANCE by Thursday 30th January 2014...
Report from the recent UITF World Championships. On 1st August 2013 Susan Dundas and Lee Little travelled to London to represent...
Congratulations to Lee Little from Intrepid East Calder, who recently attended his first competition as a Black Belt. He attended...